Copyright (c) 1990-1999 Enlighten Software Solutions, Inc. This README contains general instructions on how to integrate Events with two popular Network Management Applications (NMA). These instructions are by no means authoritive and the user is encouraged to refer to the respective NMA users manual. ======================================================================== * To tell SunNet Manager about Events20 : First verify that $SNMHOME and $SNMDBDIR are pointed to the correct places. 1. cp Events20.oid $SNMHOME/agents/ 2. cp Events20.schema $SNMHOME/agents/ 3. cat Events20.traps >> $SNMDBDIR/snmp.traps 4. $SNMHOME/bin/build_oid 5. (re)start na.snmpd (if applicable) 6. For each workstation you have installed Events20 onto; - select that workstation - depress MENU mouse button - select PROPERTIES - "check" Events20 and MIB-II NOTES: 1) Your SunNet Manager manual may refer to a utility of theirs called 'mib2scema'. This utility will parse the Events20.mib file and create three new files: Events20.oid, Events20.schema, and Events20.traps. For your conveniance, we have included these files for you. 2) SunNet Manager is a trademark and product of Sun MicroSystems ==================================================================== * Events20 Integration to HPOV Network Node Manager I. Loading the Events20 MIB 1. Place a copy of Events20.mib into /usr/OV/snmp-mibs . 2. Select Options: Load/Unload MIBs -> SNMP 3. The 'Load MIB From File' dialogue box will appear. Select 'Load' 4. Select '/usr/OV/snmp_mibs/Events20.mib' 5. Select 'close' II. Viewing MIB Values 1. Select a node (that is running Events20) from the OVW map. 2. Select 'Monitor: MIB Values->BrowseMIB->SNMP ' 3. The 'Browse MIB' dialog box appears Select the MIB Object ID by moving down the MIB tree ('Down Tree'): The any ONE of the following: 4. Query a MIB object by selecting: Start Query The results will be displayed in the 'MIB Values' area. III. Setting Values Many of the Events20 objects are settable (provided you are authorized). 1. First of Two Methods A. Browses the MIB as in II above. B. Select the MIB object you want from the 'MIB Values area' C. Edit the value indicated in the 'SNMP Set Value' field. D. Select SET 2. Second of Two Methods A. Select the node B. Select 'Monitor: MIB Values->Browse MIB->SNMP C. Specify the MIB Object ID D. Enter the instance identifier from the 'MIB Instance' field E. Type in the new value ( 'SNMP Set Value' field) F. Select: Set IV. Enabling Events20's Traps NOTE: you must have SET privilage to do this 1. Select a Events20 node 2. Select Monitor: MIB Values->Browse MIB->SNMP... 3. The 'Browse MIB' box apppears Select the MIB Events20Manage group (only ONE will be listed:) private.enterprise.kpy.kpy-products.subagents.events20 private.enterprise.npi.npi-products.subagents.events20 private.enterprise.sftw.sftw-products.subagents.events20 Then continue by selecting: trapmanage.trapmanageListTable.trapListEntry 4. Select the approprate trap instance and highlight 'trapState'. 5. Select 'Start Query' 6. In the 'SNMP Set Value' field, type one of: enabled or disabled 7. Select 'Set ' V. Integrating with the HPOV Event Manager 1. From the menu bar, select 'Options: Event Configuration->SNMP...' 2. Select 'sftw' (or: 'kpy', or 'npi') from the selection list. If not listed : a. select 'Add New Enterprise..' and fill out the 'form' . b. enter SFTW for 'Enterprise Name' and for 'Enterprise number' enter: 3. Select the specific trap from the 'Generic Specific' list. If the trap is not listed, 'Add New Trap' . 4. To modify the 'Event Log Format' , should you elect to do so, get instructions by selecting the HELP button located inside the dialog box. 5. Define the Event Category. 6. Specify the action to take when the event is received (see: 'Optional Command and Argument Format' field.) 7. Click on 'Apply' NOTE: HPOV Network Node Manager is a trademark and product of the Hewlett Packard Corporation.